eNGAS System

The eNGAS is an accounting software developed by the COA to ensure correctness, reliability, completeness and timeliness in recognizing government financial transactions and to generate financial reports in accordance with the Philippine Public Sector Accounting Standards (PPSAS) and Revised Chart of Accounts (RCA) for eNGAS LGU and with the policies and procedures of the New Government Accounting System (NGAS) for eNGAS NGA

eBUDGET System

The eBudget System is an application system developed and designed to record and keep track budget-related transactions (such as appropriations, allotments, sub-allotments, special allotments, obligation incurred, adjustments to allotments and obligations) and to facilitate monitoring of the status and balances of these allotments and obligations.


The Annual Financial Reporting (AFR) System is an online application tool that will enable the national government agencies (NGAs) to submit online their financial statements and other reports required by the Commission on Audit. The main purpose of the AFR System is to ensure prompt submission of the reports and to facilitate the consolidation of financial statements faster and more efficiently. Through this system, COA will be able to generate the constitutionally-required Financial Reports for submission to the Office of the President, the Congress and for public information.

eTicketing System

The e-Ticketing System is an online portal where various eNGAS, eBudget and AFRS Clients, and technical people meet. It is a venue where several issues and concerns are presented pertaining, but not limited to, the installation, execution of scripts, and the glitches encountered while utilizing the system.
Technical Requirement Checklist - LGU Download
Technical Requirement Checklist - NGA Download
Implementation Status Checklist NGA Download
Implementation Status Checklist LGU Download